Friday, February 07, 2025

Our Staff

                         Carl Layne
                      Choir Director
Bro. Carl Layne has been married to his wife Michelle since 1991. They were blessed with a daughter, Carley, in 1995. On June 25, 2006, Bro. Carl dedicated his life to the Lord at Sequatchie First Baptist. He began teaching the Men's Sunday School class, then in the latter part of 2007 began leading the choir. He likes to show others it is not who you are, but what you do to return thanks to the Lord. His strength is guided by Luke 1:37 - For with God nothing shall be impossible.
In the community, Bro. Carl coaches various grade levels of basketball at a local school. He also participates in the Fellowship Christian Athletes (FCA). This has been great blessings of missionary involvement for him and his daughter. His dedication to the Lord is demonstrated by his sharing how God's gifts have changed his life.
          Hannah Elizabeth Turner
Sequatchie First Baptist is blessed to have as their pianist, Hannah Elizabeth Turner. Hannah accredits her piano skills to Ms. Ruth O'Leary of South Pittsburg, TN, from whom she took lessons for nine years.
Hannah graduated from Marion County High School in 2008 and received a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN in 2011. 
Hannah is currently a stay at home Mom.  She and her husband Adam have a beautiful baby girl named Callie Mae.
           Roger Kilgore
    Sunday School Director
Roger Kilgore has attended Sequatchie First Baptist his entire life.  He has served as Sunday School Director since June 2008. 
Roger and his wife Tobi have three children; Jacob, Lance and Regan.  He is employed with the City of Chattanooga as a Civil Engineer.