Friday, February 07, 2025

Welcome to!

Again, welcome to the online home of First Baptist Church of Sequatchie, Tennessee. We are glad that you have stopped by. Browse around, learn more about the exciting ministries and opportunities we are working on that will help you who are followers of Christ grow in your spiritual life.
However, our first concern is that you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Nothing is more important than your relationship to Jesus Christ. What you decide to do with Jesus Christ will determine your eternal destiny.

After accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, your involvement in a local church is essential to your spiritual growth. You need a place to participate in the adoration of our Savior, edification of the saved, and the expression of Christ's love in service to others. You need a place to reach out from as you participate in the evangelization of the unsaved. In order to experience growth in your spiritual life you need a church home. Perhaps we could help you in one or both of these areas.

It is a privilege to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with you. Also, we thank you for taking some time to learn about Sequatchie First Baptist Church. The Lord Jesus Christ loves you and so does Sequatchie First Baptist Church. We extend to you warmest invitations to come to Christ and to Sequatchie First Baptist Church.

Thanks again for logging on and may your visit to be a blessed time.